Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I am sorry

I am sorry What was your name maam,
cant remember the show
everyday i peep through the same window
I tried too hard to lose the memory
couldnt really forget you maam , i am sorry

Thought those alley belong to you,
saw u walking theret'is all vain?
didnt hear you down the stairs yesterday
How could you do this to me ,
oh girl u are the fire
your enticing smile and brutal walk, all my desire
I tried too hard to lose the memory
couldnt really forget you maam,
i am sorry

1 comment:

Yogen said...

ok, i won't ask how you can write these cool stuffs and my comment may sound weird ....... but your poems are just flowing and have a coherence with our lives and I ask the permission to send these for my filthy benefits...didn't get better words to describe .......